Registration Information
Registration Information
West Georgia Tech registration dates are listed on the academic calendar.
Registration is conducted via Banner Web or with advising assistance available from a Student Advising Center staff member or from an academic adviser. There are several phases of registration each semester, to serve various groups of students. Students will need their user name and password for registering in banner web.
Returning Student Registration is open to currently enrolled students near the mid-point of each semester. Students who have been out only one semester may register with returning students.
Late Registration is held prior to the first day of each semester. Students may register online through Self Service Banner Web.
Drop/Add is scheduled the first three days of each academic semester. Students wishing to make changes to their schedules must do so by the third day of the semester. Students may drop or add courses during this period. Courses dropped during drop/add will not appear on the student’s official academic record.
Withdrawal from one or more courses before or during the drop/add period will not incur tuition or fee penalties or appear on a student’s academic record. Students who need to withdraw from one or more courses after the third day of the semester must do so either by accessing their Banner Web account to withdraw, or by emailing registrar@westgatech.edu. The course(s) will be included on the student’s transcript. No refunds are given after the first three calendar days of the semester.