Adult Education Career Services
Adult Education Career Services
Your journey does not have to stop with Adult Education. Career Services staff are here to help you go to college, start your career, and achieve your goals. WGTC is here to support you as you keep going and pursue your dreams.
The Career Services Specialist helps Adult Education students identify education and career paths and directs them to tools and resources that can help them achieve their goals. The CSS works with students by providing career navigation and transition services that focus on;
RESULTS achieved by increasing credentials earned by students such as High School Equivalency and Integrated Education and Training (IET) Certification.
RECRUITING students through partnerships with program faculty and staff that result in greater communication of program opportunities.
RETENTION of students in the Adult Education program through partnering with program faculty and staff to identify and support student needs.
REFERRALS to collaborative partners to help reduce barriers, provide information about further educational opportunities after students earn their High School Equivalency, and education about tools and resources to support goal obtainment.
Additional Online Resources:
- GA futures: A listing of Georgia’s HOT Careers as well as a Career Research feature
- Careeronestop: Career exploration resource with training and job information
- O*NET: Career resource center with search options and an interest profiler
- My Next Move: Career interest quiz
- Find Help Georgia: Community support resources based on ZIP code
Should you have any questions, please contact:
Jessica Simmerson
Career Services Specialist
Office: 770.537.6024 Cell: 404.617.0624